Our Solutions

Need to know more about IT and what issues and resolutions you may need or be resolved? Find out how CTEC International Technology Limited can transform your business with end-to-end IT services and solutions in Australia that are covered by these key areas.

  • Microsoft Solutions

    Microsoft provides a range of infrastructure productivity solutions, from server virtualization to workplace productivity software.

    There is increasing demand to integrate Microsoft Office 365 in Australia, a communications and collaborative software into a complete solution for the workplace, as working hours become more flexible and employees become more mobile.

    As a Microsoft Certified Partner, CTEC International Technology Limited is a Microsoft solution provider that offers consultancy in implementing a range of infrastructure productivity solutions, from server virtualization to workplace productivity software, using Microsoft Solutions.

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  • Infrastructure

    CTEC International Technology Limited provides an end-to-end IT infrastructure management service to help you build a future-proof technological solution for your business.

    The importance of the data of your company and the technology infrastructure that receives, sends, captures, stores and retrieves that data would be difficult to over-emphasize. Even momentary downtime can have a significant impact on your operations, your service, and your reputation.

    We provide a full range of IT infrastructure solutions and IT maintenance services designed around a central objective – enabling you to keep doing what you do best – knowing that your technology systems are operating at peak efficiency.

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  • Security Solutions

    Network security has never been more important. Today’s threats are more aggressive and sophisticated, and change rapidly, with new versions of malware, Trojans, bots, viruses, phishing schemes, and compromised Web sites appearing almost daily.

    The introduction of new access channels, such as remote and mobile devices, have made the task of securing our networks more challenging – the days of using static firewalls are gone.

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  • Managed Services

    Managing the people, processes and toolsets of your ICT operations can be complex, time-consuming, costly and distracting, though it is mission critical in your daily business activities. Handing the management of this to an expert Managed Service Provider (MSP) requires trust.CTEC International Technology Limited delivers consistent IT managed services in a cost-effective and efficient manner, thanks to our scale, methodologies and high levels of standardization.

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