Cloud Solutions

Being highly involved in software implementation, We recommend laaS , Hybrid Cloud , Public Cloud or Private Cloud that helps in cost savings, better power and capacity, flexibility in scaling up and down to meet operational needs and speed to market.
Cloud Solutions makes it easier and possible for users to access data, applications and services over the internet. It gives the ability to let users work from anywhere and save cost in purchasing hard-drives and servers to store and access data with secured environment.

Simplify Your Move To Cloud

Microsoft Solutions

Our IT teams have designed and implemented hundreds of Microsoft Office 365, Microsoft SharePoint and Azure Cloud Solutions for customers.

One of the key cloud solutions – Azure, is Microsoft’s cloud computing platform, a growing collection of integrated services – analytics, computing, database, mobile, networking, storage and web – for moving faster, achieving more and saving money.

Azure’s pay-as-you-go services can quickly scale up or down to match demand, so you only pay for what you use. Microsoft Azure Virtual Machines allow you to deploy a wide range of computing solutions in an agile way.

With Azure cloud servers, you can deploy nearly instantaneously and you pay only by the minute. With Windows, Linux, SQL Server, Oracle, IBM and etc, you can deploy any workload, any language, on nearly any operating system.

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To run your applications in the cloud, you need computing power that is available 24/7. In a traditional environment, you need to maintain the servers physically as well as the softwares that run on it and you also need a very good estimate of the amount of computing services that you need, in contrast AWS provides computing services which are on-demand, more flexible in terms of capacity and need no physical maintenance.

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